Construction Management

Ampjack supplies electrical utilities worldwide with cost effective solutions and resources to manage their infrastructure safely and cost effectively.

We can supply construction officers, managers, health and safety officers, inspectors and owners engineers of exceptionally high calibre. Our personnel have extensive backgrounds and wide range of experience in utility construction, operation and management.

Ampjack Construction Officers act on behalf of our client in the day-to-day construction management role, project planning and contract administration. Our goal is to be the single point of contact between Client and the contractor. We will act on behalf of the Client and maintain the Client’s best interest throughout the duration of the project.

Our Construction Officers have direct access to our T&D engineers and contract law administrators, ensuring experienced decisions and recommendations can be made in a timely fashion.

We organize our staff and resources to meet the needs of the Client as the project requirements are defined and timeframes are established. If required, resources can be rotated throughout the life of the project ensuring the appropriate level of experience and knowledge is available at the correct phase of the project.

At minimum each of our staff has over 15 years of related experience in the following areas:

  • Project Management
  • Contractor Management
  • Work order preparation and tracking
  • Cost control and tracking
  • Sub-Station Construction and Maintenance
  • Transmission Line Maintenance
  • Transmission and Distribution Construction
  • Voltage Upgrade T&D
  • Re-conductoring T&D
  • Footings installation and maintenance (Wood, Steel and Concrete)
  • Live Line Methods and Procedures
  • Pole installations T&D
  • Underground installation T&D
  • Street lighting (installation and maintenance)
  • Integrated pole maintenance
  • Vegetation control ROW and Sub-station


Our personnel are very familiar with standard utility field policies and procedures and adhere to all policies, procedures and codes to promote safety in the work place. We work effectively with our Client’s Safety Coordinator or Construction Supervisors for client specific policies.

For more information regarding Construction Management services please contact